Sunday, November 29, 2009

34 days to go...

Alright... so I suppose I owe you an update.

Where do I start? (I'm telling you right now... don't judge me if i get lazy and switch into all lower-case because I keep trying to... you have been warned.)

Got my dress back today. its better... still not as perfect as i would have hoped for it, but i'm not messing with it anymore... its getting (unnoticeably) torn up and THAT, my friends, is not cool. I didn't put it on today... I don't want to ever put it on again until January 2nd. No more thinking about it... it is finished.

Now its time to go veil shopping (yikes...)

The honeymoon is in shambles right now. I don't remember if i wrote, but long story short... Airtran screwed us in the ass and switched our flight. We fixed it. 2 weeks later Bahamasair screwed us in the ass and switched our flight. We tried to fix it... about 20 different ways... each more expensive than the last.

We then went to Liberty Travel to see what they could do... virtually nothing. Great. So it was either gonna cost us a bazillion dollars just to GET to the bahamas... or... we were gonna have to go with another plan and take a hit, but a lesser one.

We went with that.

Now where are we going? We haven't really nailed it down yet, but we're thinking Disney.

We shall see.

Theres a TON of stuff that still needs to be done because i procrastinated and didn't feel like planning our wedding anymore (i still don't... you wanna finish it for me and ill just see you on the 2nd????), but now i gotta get moving or we're in trouble. O_o

::huge breath::

Here goes... somethin'..............

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

There is HOPE!

Dropped the dress off at a different seamstress's today that seems 20 thousand times more competent and experienced... I am now excited once again :D

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wedding Dress Woe

so long story short... i picked up my wedding dress... paid the lady and 3 days later im staring at the pictures i took while i had it on and decided im not happy.

its not AWFUL... but its not PERFECT...

so im having one of my Bridesmaids (Andy) come over and help me put my dress on Wednesday so we can take another look at it and see what, if anything, needs to be and can be fixed.

if i decide it definitely needs to be fixed, i just hope my seamstress doesn't try to kick me to the curb since I already paid her. THAT would seriously piss me off... but then I guess I'd just have to go to someone else and have it fixed. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.


Monday, November 2, 2009



are finally...


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Please, step into my office and have a seat.

I am currently working on piecing the invitations together... and i thought (because apparently ive had way too much sugar for my own good) i would give you the visual experience :D

THIS... is my office:

yes... this is how ive been working on my invitations the past couple of days. its great... work... nap... work.. nap... what more could you want?

This is me cornered in my office:

(no... that's obviously *not* weddingbook on the screen...)

this is me snacking in my office... which i really shouldn't do... but i am anyway. you caught me.

This is Dexter... my office assistant. he's had a long day of card cutting, so he's passed out...

And THIS is my lovely DIY invitations and inserts :) :

(i HATE how fish-lensy my camera is. damn COOLpix my ass. FISHpix is more like it. ugh.)

Reception Card:

RSVP Card:

Online RSVP notice:


and there ya have it!

hopefully we can send these suckers out SOOOON!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's ALLLLLL coming together!

Okay... seeing as how its 346am... I'm gonna try to keep this fairly short (ha, yeah right).

our passports came yesterday *finally* so we were able to book our flight from ft. lauderdale to the bahamas!!! ... I don't remember if i told that story or not already... but long story, short.... we booked our plane from BWI to FLL and back again... (with air tran), then went to book our plane from FLL to FPO and, oh by the way... you need your PASSPORT to book that ish.

so we had to file for them and pray to God that they came in soon enough.

well they came in soon enough for us to still get a flight that works with our other flight (assuming baggage claim is quick enough and there are no delays (God forbid), but not soon enough for us to keep our $370 flight... it went up $70... but... at least we got it.

We also got our flowergirl basket and ring bearer pillow! I'm posing stock photos of them because I'm too lazy to dig out my camera and take pictures of the ones in my possession.

i got them in ivory.

so... yay!

um... what else? oh, im in the process of getting a jacket made for my dress... ill post pics of that when its finished.

um... and my bouquet is done! almost... there still needs to be ribbon put on, but its mostly finished. and the bridesmaids flowers may or may not be finished... we haven't decided yet haha.

but here are mine:

and the bridesmaids:

so... yay, again!

there's still lots to work on though :)

a couple days short of 3 months and I'm working on invitations and some other small details... like the unity candles... bought those today... well i bought candles. regular candles... that we will "decorate" ourselves, cause i refuse to pay $30 for a single candle.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

THIS ladies (and gentlemen) is why you should STAY ON TOP OF YOUR SHIZ :)

An active bride, is a happy bride :D

Seriously though... everyone freaks out when someone screws something up for them... but my question is always "well where were YOU on that? why didn't you check up on the dress when they didn't call you when they were supposed to?"


BUT... hold that thought... i'll come back to that in a minute :)

First, it's time for some recent happenings :)

Keith and I have recently acquired some bathroom decor (yay!) from my parents that has never been used before (price tags still on :D )... but not only THAT... one of my mother's co-workers asked her if she knew anyone who needed a dining room set... and she told them about keith and i getting married. so NOW... we're getting a looks-like-new black lacquer finish dining table, 6 chairs and a curio :D


Next order of business...

I custom ordered a slip from for underneath my dress and its FINISHED!!! ...which means i can now officially get my dress fitted!!!!!!! wooooo!

Here's what it looks like (take a good gander cause this'll be the last time you see it :D ;) ):

(click photo to enlarge since its being cut-off for some reason... and then when you're finished, hit your back button)

so yes... im *very* excited about it :) HOPEFULLY when i get it, it works JUST right... if not, the seller im working with is amazing enough to want to fix it :D

and BECAUSE she's so brilliantly amazing... I'm having her custom make me a jacket that i feel in love with (on once again), but that seller wasn't so fond of working with me on a custom order. ::oh weeeeelll:: her loss. haha!

NOW... back to the headlining story.

Remember how Alfred Angelo gave me the run around a few months back with Bridesmaid dresses?

Time for round 2!

Mens Warehouse.

So there's a section of the website I'm supposed to be able to log into to track the groomsmen's progress. Well i tried to log in..... and low and behold... it wouldn't work.

so i called the MW in lancaster and the dude had NO flippin clue what i was talking about. i tried to explain it to him and he told me in his X number of years working there he had NEVER heard of such a thing. (thats what you get when you let an old dude work at a store... they know nothing of technology). he kept insisting that i could just call the store and ask what i needed to know and they would look it up and i tried to explain to him that i wanted to be able to TRACK them. myself. at my own free will.

he continued to insist on the call.

i said thank you, hung up, and called the store we were at in whitehall where keith lives.

they fixed the problem for me.

so i logged in TODAY.

after logging in today, im glad i pushed for the online deal to be fixed because there were problems that i would have NEVER ever known about until the 3 days before the wedding when the boys went to pick up their tuxes... and of course by then it would be too late to fix anything.

-Keith: his order was fine.
-Daniel: his order was fine.
-John: his order was fine.
-Tio Charlie: Wrong colored vest. They gave him the same color as the groomsmen... he needs
the same color as the best man.
-Dad: Spelled his name Eseguiel rather than Esequiel. Why is that such a big deal? I mean its
NOT really... but i can see that being a frustrating 5 or 10 minutes when they try to look
up his name in the computer and can't find it.
-Grandpa: Spelled HIS last name wrong. Oguendo rather than Oquendo... do my Q's look like
G's or something when i write them out??????
-Kyle: No pocket square included. ... well get back to that in a minute.
-Will: HIS last name spelled wrong. Greenawait rather than Greenawalt.
-Matthew: He should have the same attire as the groomsmen... NOT... keith....... although we'll
get back to THAT in a minute too...
-Keith's Dad: order was fine
-Keith's Grandpa: his order was fine. she tells me that the pocket squares are EXTRA??? ..they failed to mention that in the store when i included them in the package. We may or may not be keeping those. Depends on what happens after i talk to my mother about those vs. boutonnieres.

...and as far as matthew goes... i TOLD them in the store that he should be the same as the they dropped the ball there...... but after i told her and hung up, it occured to me that... maybe its SUPPOSED to be like that? i mean... if the flower girl is supposed to mimic the bride...... why wouldn't the ring bearer mimic the groom? i dunno... im gonna have to chew that one over for a bit.



long story short.

DO NOT EVER depend on the fact that other people have their shiz together.... cause chances are.... they most certainly don't.

If i hadn't been annoyingly on top of the dresses... and now the tuxes... we could have had several bridezilla inducing stressful moments that were thankfully avoided because i stayed on top of everything!!! :)

so... everything is going pretty well so far :D

oh yeah and

today marks...

100 days till our wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!